Your partner … in evaluating your indoor air quality issues
Poor or unusual indoor air quality (IAQ) conditions in a building can lead to discomfort for the occupants and in serious cases can result in adverse exposure or associated health complaints. Contributing factors to IAQ concerns include the presence of odors or chemicals in the air, poor airflow, excess humidity, elevated temperatures or even simply the perception of the occupants. Our systematic approach to an IAQ investigation, also known as indoor environmental quality (IEQ) investigation, allows us to identify root causes, when present and develop the right solution for each unique problem.
While there are no specific standards for allowable concentrations of mold or fungi, or other IAQ problems, our accredited staff uses guidelines based on American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and other consensus standard setting organizations to help identify and implement solutions to improve IAQ.
With experience in a variety of settings, including offices and commercial spaces, we have the tools and knowledge to address your IAQ concerns through:
In-depth knowledge and understanding of:
airflow or circulation in spaces
water intrusion and/or moisture intrusion into spaces
Extensive array of in-house monitoring equipment to measure temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentrations
Sampling for mold, bacteria, airborne dust, chemicals and allergens
Measurement of moisture content of building surfaces to determine the potential for amplification of fungal growth and the extent of water intrusion
Our IAQ investigation, tailored to your needs, may include a combination of visual observations, understanding the building ventilation and/or the Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems and the interactions between the building and the occupants. Specifically, our on-site tasks can include:
Site inspections, including visual observation for signs of water intrusion and mold growth
Mechanical system inspections, including ventilation assessments
Moisture measurements
Direct-read measurements
Air sampling and/or wipe sampling
Occupant interviews
The controls to IAQ problems are as varied as the observed conditions or concerns. Suitable control measures may include modifications or balancing of HVAC systems for airflow or circulation concerns, building envelope or water leakage repairs for water intrusion or amplified mold growth, or the isolation, reduction or removal of harmful or odorous chemicals in some cases.
Based on our investigation and sampling, we are by your side to find the right solutions for a healthier indoor environment for your workers.