Your partner... in developing your occupational health programs
Occupational Health (OH) mistakes can be very costly. Let us help you navigate the risks and responsibilities to cost-effectively stay in compliance. As your established, trusted partner, we play active roles in formulating, managing and executing your occupational health programs. With extensive experience delivering solutions to corporations, governmental agencies and other organizations, we help ensure you meet corporate and regulatory requirements. Our OH program services include:
Occupational health exam reviews and quality control
Job/task analysis of essential duties, medical standards development and disability/concern-related medical evaluations for:
Employee placement
Regulatory requirements
Medical exam review and quality control
Medical case management
Workers’ compensation
Medical monitoring and surveillance
Medical consultation
Medical data interpretation and trend analysis
Our highly credentialed personnel, including board certified occupational physicians, nurses, professional support staff and case managers, work in conjunction with our certified industrial hygienists, safety specialists and allied occupational health professionals to enhance workplace efficiencies alongside your dedicated staff.
With priorities guided by listening and understanding your organization, we develop programs tailored to your unique needs, which are focused on promotion and restoration of your employees’ health, prevention of workplace illness and protection from occupational hazards.