SOMA has been invited by various organizations and clients to present on a variety of subject matters. If you are interested in having a SOMA expert present to your organization, please contact us at info@somaonline.com. Some past presentations include:
Silica Health Risks, Regulatory Compliance and Occupational Medical Programs - Howard M. Sandler, MD
OSHA's Proposed Silica Std and the Epidemiology and Mgmt of Silica Exposures - Howard M. Sandler, MD, and Dennis C. Ertel, Jr., CIH, REM, CSP
The Silica Story - Exposure Assessment and Exposure Management - Priya Nagarajan, MEng, CIH
Occupational Health: Where Are We Going? - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Partnering to Build Effective Medical Standards, Examination and Fitness-for-Duty Programs - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Successful Development, Implementation and Management of Evidence-Medical Standards Based Fitness-for-Duty and Medical Case Management Programs - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Medical Exams in the Workplace: When are they Legal, Medically-Correct and Worthwhile..? - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Employee Noise Exposure at Construction Sites - Priya Nagarajan, MEng, CIH
The Aging Workforce: Occupational Safety, Health, Hygiene and Wellness - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Benzene Update: Exposure and Health Effects - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Chronic Pain: Medical Claims Management - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Diacetyl, Flavorings and Occupational Respiratory Disorders - Howard M. Sandler, MD
SOMA has been invited by various organizations and clients to present on a variety of subject matters. If you are interested in having a SOMA expert present to your organization, please contact us at info@somaonline.com. Some past presentations include:
Silica Health Risks, Regulatory Compliance and Occupational Medical Programs - Howard M. Sandler, MD
OSHA's Proposed Silica Std and the Epidemiology and Mgmt of Silica Exposures - Howard M. Sandler, MD, and Dennis C. Ertel, Jr., CIH, REM, CSP
The Silica Story - Exposure Assessment and Exposure Management - Priya Nagarajan, MEng, CIH
Occupational Health: Where Are We Going? - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Partnering to Build Effective Medical Standards, Examination and Fitness-for-Duty Programs - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Successful Development, Implementation and Management of Evidence-Medical Standards Based Fitness-for-Duty and Medical Case Management Programs - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Medical Exams in the Workplace: When are they Legal, Medically-Correct and Worthwhile..? - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Employee Noise Exposure at Construction Sites - Priya Nagarajan, MEng, CIH
The Aging Workforce: Occupational Safety, Health, Hygiene and Wellness - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Benzene Update: Exposure and Health Effects - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Chronic Pain: Medical Claims Management - Howard M. Sandler, MD
Diacetyl, Flavorings and Occupational Respiratory Disorders - Howard M. Sandler, MD