Your partner … in assessing your workplace "clean" or "fresh air"
Ventilation is a process of providing “clean” or “fresh” air, typically ambient outside air, to a space or work area, or exhausting air from specific areas or activities, with the objective of removing stagnant or contaminated air. We perform assessments to determine the overall, or specific component efficiency of your ventilation system depending on workplace environments:
For office areas, commercial areas or non-manufacturing work areas, ventilation typically provides air circulation, thermal conditioning and humidity control. When we conduct an Indoor Air Quality evaluation of this environment, the ventilation assessment can include:
Visual observation of accessible components of the ventilation system including filters, coils, condensate drain pans, air supply diffusers and return grilles
Measurements of parameters including temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide that indicate the effectiveness of the ventilation system
For manufacturing or other work areas, the objective may be to dilute or exhaust airborne contaminant(s), where the ventilation systems are used as an exposure control measure. The ventilation systems can include:
General ventilation connected through ducts, ports, exhausts and openings where airborne chemical hazards are not expected, or expected to be low
Local exhaust ventilation such as dedicated fume hoods, flexible trunk hoods or exhaust hoses in areas where airborne contaminants are more likely
Our ventilation assessment for this environment can include:
Visual and functional inspection of accessible components
Measurements of airflow at the face of the ventilation component
Visual observation of the conditions in the workspace that may affect the effectiveness of the ventilation
Extensive calculations to determine if the ventilation system at your facility is achieving your intended objective
Comparison of the capacity of the ventilation system with design specification alignment, relevant regulatory requirements and/or industry standards
We work with your team, combining our knowledge of both ventilation systems and your environment to recommend data-driven solutions to help implement and/or improve your ventilation goals